t-SNE Sampler

May 2019

An exploration into the automatic organisation of sounds as a playable instrument.


I built this project as part of Rebecca Fiebrink’s Data and Machine Learning module at Goldsmiths. It uses the t-SNE algorithm to reduce the number of dimensions of audio analysis data, so that sounds are arranged in 2D space according to their likeness to one another. I used around 600 sounds, consisting of royalty free samples and my own field recordings.

For example, all the kick drums are next to each other, as are the wooden percussion sounds and the hi-hat sounds. These 3 groups are then suitably distanced from each other according to the their likeness.

The project has 2 parts - an audio analysis and t-SNE generation Python script based on Gene Kogan’s audio t-SNE script, and a sequencer app which uses the 2D data, made in C++/openFrameworks. The program can sync with Ableton Link-enabled applications.

Sounds are triggered by “Lens” objects, visualised by large circles. These are like sonic magnifying glasses, which trawling over the 2D space and uncover the sonic artefacts.

A Lens can be created by clicking and dragging to set its radius. All samples (the smaller dots) inside a Lens can be triggered. The speed and time that the triggering occurs depends on the frequency and phase controls - meaning polyrhythms can be easily formed.

Something that emerged which I liked was the ability to turn the frequency up super fast, creating a granular synthesis/microsound aesthetic.

The wandering radius and speed controls allow the Lenses to drift around their origin positions. This allows them to travel into different neighbourhoods of sound.

After each Lens collects all of its currently “in view” samples, which happens every frame, it sorts them by distance from the center of the Lens. A feature can be turned on which triggers the samples in order from closest to farthest from the center. When this feature is turned off, the samples are chosen at random.

The “inner radius” control allows you to turn the Lens into a ring, where only sounds within the ring are triggered.

This project was very prototypey as it was just coursework rather than a big piece of work. In the future, I would love to improve the playing experience so that it is more performable and customisable.

Further reading

I found this article handy in learning how to interpret the results of the t-SNE and tune its parameters.